Sunday, September 25, 2011


We will be posting the breakdown showing what the funds are being used for as soon as we can so that everyone can see (as something is purchased or payment occurs). We want people to know that 100% of these funds will be used for the animals. As of today, there is a fairly large bill already at the vet for Drake, so please continue to share so that we can get some of the females at the Trailer park spayed as well. We have also paid for antibiotics for Destiny (mange girl) and Drake (prior to going to the vet). We hope to scan in receipts if our scanner cooperates later this week.

My husband and I personally cannot be "involved" in helping certain animals without treating them the same as we would a foster doggy, etc. (once we physically meet them anyway). For example, some people may believe we should not have taken Drake to the vet for IV fluids (choosing perhaps to "let him go" due to the funding issue), however we just cannot do that. We will figure out a way to help pay for them if we have to sell something to do it. That's just how we roll...

Please continue to share the Chip In. We have already been blessed to have received wonderful donations (thank you so much contributors), however the need is so much greater than what we can cover. Thanks so much!


  1. I love you guys. It is for this very reason...the fact that you won't settle for anything less for these dogs...that I continue to donate. Always quality, not quantity.

  2. Your ChipIn badge is on Dog Blessed @ Silverwalk. Hope it helps some!
