Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Emily has designed the Woof Connections Website for us PRO BONO! Yes I said it..she took time out of her busy life to help Kevin and I start an official website at NO CHARGE to us. We are truly humbled by her generosity. In fact, she went so far as to pay our hosting fees too!!! Thank you just doesn't really cut it. If you met Emily in person, you would know that she is not only gorgeous, but she is one of the most geniunely caring people in the world.
So let us formally introduce our new website....drumroll please....
We still need to add "Happy Tails" as well as some more updates, a logo, etc. but we just couldn't wait any longer!
Take a look at some of the Websites that Emily has designed- they are AWESOME!
If you are interested in hiring Emily for your business or nonprofit group, contact Emily at She offers HUGE discounts to nonprofit animal welfare groups so drop her an email!
We also would like to thank Emily as well as Natalie (co-founder of WISH) once again for their generous donation of Revolution to help treat the dogs in Arkansas for mange, fleas, ticks, etc.. Woof Connections received the shipment yesterday and we are so grateful to you for helping us out!
Natalie and her husband, Alex, are phenomenal photographers as well. Please check out their website: They too are HUGE animal lovers who spend lots of time helping homeless animals so please support their work!
Lastly, we want to thank our other very good friends Jaime (Canine Adoption Coordinator for WISH) and her significant other, Glen, for working behind the scenes to help us place our doggies in the Wisconsin area whenever possible (including going on home visits whenever we ask!). We love all of you so very much!
4/24/12: We have some very very sad news to report. Nick called me to let me know that the local Animal Control was called out to Mr. B's property yesterday (4/23) per the request of the County Sheriff's Department. Apparently an officer was out on the property on another matter and noticed all the dogs. He called the Sheriff's Dept who in turn called the local Shelter to go out an pick them up. None of us were there, but they apparently picked up 16 dogs yesterday. Nick said when he went there today, Animal Control was there again and picked up another 4 today.
I immediately called the Shelter manager to let her know that our Group was trying to help Mr B with those dogs and not to let anything happen to them. I then received the devastating news that it was too late...due to an already overcrowded shelter, they were given the orders to euthanize all of the dogs. I for one and completely heartbroken to say the least. The Shelter Manager told me there are 4 at the shelter right now that they picked up today and to contact the County Sheriff's Dept to let them know what was going on. Nick and I met with the Chief Investigator this afternoon.
Long story short...this was a very sad and unfortunate event. Mr. B signed all the dogs over (hence no hold time) because he was told he would face felony cruelty charges if he didn't. The County did not know we were helping Mr B, nor did the shelter. Yes, the shelter was contacted about a month ago (both in this area were) and at that time neither would help. However, because it was now considered a cruelty case, the shelter had no choice but to go out to the property and take the dogs.
We are completely sickened by the whole thing. Apparently Mr B was told that he could keep 3 dogs. There are approx 12 dogs still out there they think (including Blue Eyes who has not yet given birth). The plan was for them (the Shelter) to pick up the rest of them on Thur. The Chief Investigator has promised us that nothing will happen to the 4 at the shelter and that they would not attempt to pick up any more so that we could have some time to work on rescue for the remaining dogs. He is supposed to call the Shelter and straighten everything out. Nick and I reviewed the goals with the Chief Inv. and he is willing to work with us provided we keep a check on the whole situation. We only have approximately 1 month to get a majority of the dogs out and into rescue.
What we plan to do is go back out there and take pics of the dogs that remain on the property. We want to move forward with the plan to bring pens out there so that we can spay and neuter all the remaining dogs. We believe the that 4 from the shelter MAY be released back to MR B so that we can work on their rescue as well (we won't know for sure until tomorrow). The Revolution arrived today (sadly)...we can start to treat them for mange when we go out to set up the pens. We will then be BEGGING for some rescues to take some of the remaining dogs before something happens again so please keep spreading the word. The remaining dogs still need decent shelter so we definitely can still use the pallets, etc. We can better assess the water situation when we go out there again too. We will still need food on an ongoing basis because we promised to make sure the dogs would be well fed.
This has been a very difficult day to say that least. I am sure that Mr B is beyond devastated as well. We want to thank everyone for their continued support in this endeavor. Many innocent lives were lost today, but let's please not let them die in vain. We can still make a difference. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Update 4/25/12: We have heard more devastating news. Apparently the 4 dogs that were picked up yesterday were euthanized as well. Not sure exactly what changed between when Nick and I left the Sheriff's office, but we WILL get to the bottom of it. We know that several of the remaining dogs will need rescue IMMEDIATELY so PLEASE ask around. As we said before, we have Revolution to treat their mange and will provide food if someone could take one or more in to keep them safe in the meantime. We WILL contact the media if needed, but we are hoping that all parties are willing to work together to help Mr. B and his ramaining dogs. We will know more tomorrow. Prayers needed on this one folks...
R.I.P. to the precious fur- souls who lost their lives. We are so sorry that humans failed you.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Many of you may already know the situation Woof Connections is currently trying to help with in Arkansas, but for those of you who do not, here is the summary. We were contacted by Kevin's niece, Wendy, about a large pack of dogs (some apparently starving) on some property not far from us. Wendy's friends, Robin and Nick, took a picture of some of the dogs that Wendy later "tagged" Allie in on Facebook.
Well of course we knew we had to help in some way. Over the past few weeks, a team of us (Kevin, Allie, Wendy C., Robin C., Nick, C., Lauren Y., Brian Y., and Kelly S.) have befriended the owner of the dogs, Mr. B. The team of course goes beyond these people, but these are the ones on the "front lines" at this point (will pay respect to the others in a bit). Mr. B has a good heart, but he just didn't have enough funds to spay and neuter the dogs so it quickly became out of control. There are currently at least 35 adult dogs and several puppies (that we could see anyway) on the property.
Some people do not realize this, but people often dump dogs in the country when they are no longer wanted. In this area, there is no animal control facility that will claim responsibility for the strays in the country because they are considered "county dogs". Therefore, the numbers multiply quickly or sadly, the dogs just do not make it. Mr. B tries to care for many of the unwanted strays. We must be clear here...we are NOT going to belittle Mr. B. Yes, we realize that the conditions on this property are far from ideal. We are there to help at this point. However, we hope that Mr. B will learn to trust us in time and will allow us to re-home some of the dogs he is understandably attached to. He has already allowed us to take several puppies and a pregnant dog so far.
Jo (Wendy's daughter) and Kelly meeting the crew
Our immediate goals include building proper shelters for the dogs as well as some smaller pens. We plan to spay the females as soon as we can get smaller pens built for recovery areas and secure the appointments. Most of these dogs have not been socialized with other people very much, so they will be flight risks. We are needing 10 x 10 pens, fencing material, large dogs houses, and other materials necessary to make this come together.
After the "pack" can be separated into smaller groups to make it more manageable, we plan to start treating them for mange with Revolution. It appears they all have sarcoptic mange and are absolutely miserable right now (it is caused by mites that burrow under the skin...they itch tremendously). We want to thank our good friends at Wish Upon a Paw in Wisconsin, Emily A. and Natalie N., for their VERY GENEROUS donation! They are in the process of sending us an entire case of Revolution (saving us nearly $600)! Check out Wish Upon a Paw's wonderful rescue work at WISH (click here)!
We are waiting on some information regarding low-cost spay/neuters in Memphis and surrounding areas. We could really use some experienced dog rescuers to help transport the females to their appointments in Memphis. Allie is generally available to pick them up, but since most of us work full-time, we have a very difficult time getting them to their appointments in the morning. If you can help, please call Allie at 901-240-9848 or email We could use some large crates for transport as well (we will certainly return them when we finish).

Woof Connections would like to thank Shelley S. of DOGS ONLY (click here) in AR, who INCREDIBLY has offered to help pay to spay most of the females!!!! We are also grateful to Ruth E. of PROJECT SNAP (click here) in MO for helping to coordinate some of this "rescue" stuff and for starting a Chip In to help pay for the vetting of these pups. Special thanks to Elizabeth W. with KEG ANIMAL RESCUE (click here) for taking in some of the puppies as well as Mama dog, Spotty! We appreciate fosters Carolyn and Nancy so very much as well! Without foster homes, dogs like Spotty would be still wondering when her next meal would be and where she could have her babies safely. It definitely takes a village and we are so proud to be part of such a great team! Lastly, we are humbled by the generosity of all of you who have donated to this cause- THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts.
If you are able to help financially with vetting, please contribute to the CHIP IN for Medical Care AR Pups (click here). If you live in the Memphis/West Memphis (or nearby) areas and would like to help in other ways, please contact Allie! To addition to monetary donations, we desperately need donations of good quality DOG FOOD, LARGE DOG HOUSES, PLYWOOD (and other building materials), PALLETS, T-STAKES, CHAIN LINK (or Chain Link Dog Pens), STRAW, and anything else you think would help these pups. You can email or call Allie at 901-240-9848 if you'd like to help! Here are some of the fur-babies we can help with your support:
PLEASE join us on Facebook on our Open Group, PROCTOR (ARKANSAS) DOGS IN NEED (click here) for the latest updates!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012

It became more nursing for Sissy. No worries...the puppies were already beginning to wean anyway. Sissy was obviously uncomfortable. She was placed on medication and given take home instructions. One of the 2 teats with mastitis abscessed tonight. She has an open abscess, which is considered the better alternative.... Stephanie sent me an update this evening:
The abscess opened more tonight. The abscessed area is roughly a circle with a 2-inch diameter. At first, there was a small hole that the pus was draining from (maybe 1/4 inch diameter), but the skin within the rest of the circle was very saggy and necrotic in areas. Tonight that area has sloughed off, so now the opening is about the size of a quarter, maybe slightly bigger. The vet is going to keep an eye on Sissy during the day tomorrow and possibly Saturday (minimal day fee, it's just for precaution). This way they can monitor the surrounding tissue for sign of spreading infection (which would indicate surgical removal) and thoroughly flush the abscess (Sissy was really not happy with us doing this tonight). She's on a decent amount of pain meds, and sleeps most of the time.
PLEASE say prayers for Sissy. We are incredibly grateful for her foster family. We shutter to think what would happen to Sissy if she were still in the trailer park. FOSTERING SAVES LIVES EVERYONE!!!
Sissy's bills are now over $600 and she hasn't even been spayed/vaccinated yet. We URGE you to please consider making a small donation for her medical care. There is a Chip-In available, but if you prefer to send your donation to the vet directly, please contact Allie at 901-240-9848 or email for the information. The good news is we have several great applications on Sissy's puppies so stay tuned!
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Noelle is still waiting for someone to choose HER to be part of their family. For those of you who may not know, Noelle was found at Lakeshore Trailer Park in Arkansas (not far from Memphis). She was the victim of another apparent doggy dumping... Noelle is under a year old and is the sweetest girl you will ever meet! She is being fostered by Rose and her family in Missouri (we love you Rose for helping us out!). Noelle gets to play with lots of other doggies at her foster home and gets along with everyone (including cats!). She is a good size too at only about 37 pounds! She is spayed; up-to-date on her vaccinations; heartworm negative; and on heartworm preventative! All she needs is a great home!
We also wanted to thank Noelle's first foster mom, Laura, in Memphis, for taking Noelle right from the "streets" along with her buddy, Champ. Laura is fostering Champ through his heartworm treatment, so we needed to find another foster home for her so that Champ could rest. Fostering truly is a matter of life or death in most cases, so we thank you ladies from the bottom of our hearts for your kindness.
Rose was asked what type of home would best suit Noelle and this is her response (condensed in some parts):
"I feel she is the kind of dog that would be happy as a only dog or with a friend. When she is the only dog in the house she loves to sit by me and get lots of love..then when they are all outside or in the house she loves to play. So I think either way she would be fine..She just loves to be loved on..She is definitely house trained as she as had no accidents in here no matter how long she is in.
It doesn't matter the size of the other dog she plays with. Right now I have a Chihuahua I pulled from the Pound and she loves to play with her and she knows how to be easy with her. She is a active dog cause I have a good sized back yard and she likes to play. However, she isn't much on running so if she was in a yard where she had to be walked (i.e., not fenced in) or a smaller yard she would be ok too. She doesn't mind if she is alone for a few hours either (no matter if she is in her kennel or not).
Noelle loves to be outside when it is nice out. But when she comes in she will crash for I love the shine to her coat,she really is a very pretty dog....Oh ya and she is ok with cats.. She will chase themn occasionally but I think she does the chasing because of a dog I have her right now that does it, otherwise she doesn't pay them any attention at all."
Check out some pictures of Noelle below. We will post new pictures as we receive them. PLEASE forward this posting to anyone who may be interested in a great new family member. They may contact Allie at 901-240-9848 or email if interested!
This is Noelle with her buddy, Champ, before Champ started his heartworm treatment.
Looking for her kitty friend at Laura's house!
Such a gorgeous girl!
Noelle with one of her buddies at her new foster home!
More buddies to play with at Rose's house!
Can't you picture this sweet girl at YOUR home???

Oh FINALLY...some great news! Jessie's bloodwork was MUCH better today! Her white blood cell count is down to 39,000 (was 120,000...normal is around 20,000). Liver enzymes are now readable (off the chart last week) and are almost normal at 132 (normal 10-100). Platelets were a little high today, but Doc is not concerned about that (would be more concerned if they were low she said) and her red blood cell count is normal!!!
Jessie has gained weight from last week too. She is now 45.9 pounds and was 42.4 pounds last week. The plan is to wean her off the Prednisone in the next several weeks and to continue the liver supporting meds and famotidine (Pepcid) for now. GREAT NEWS ALL AROUND!!! She is eating great and is a very happy girl.
Jessie tried so hard to play with some puppies that came in (they are off to the left in this picture)- she couldn't keep her eyes off them! Cute little chub huh!

Here Jessie is waiting for some more attention from a customer- lol. She took it upon herself to greet everyone that came in the door!

Jessie looking outside while we waited for test results. At one point, she literally climbed on Paul's lap while he sat on the couch (Paul is Donna's son who works at the vet clinic). She thinks she's a lap dog!

We want to thank the following people for their GENEROUS contributions to Jessie's medical bills: Theresa H. of IN; Susan S. of WI; Stephanie F. of IL; Paula J. of WI; and Missy S. of AR and Ruth M. of MO. Jessie's still has an outstanding vet bill of $1500.00. Please consider donating to the Lakeshore Trailer Park Doggies, so that we can continue to help these forgotten fur-souls. You may contribute via the Chip In below (Paypal) or you can email Allie at for the Vet's contact information or an address if you prefer to send a check. We appreciate all of you so very much!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012

***UPDATE 2/05/12**** At 10:51 pm, I received the GREATEST PHONE CALL! Doc called just to tell me that JESSIE ATE 1/2 CAN OF FOOD...ON HER OWN!!! OMG...this is AMAZING NEWS! She has not eaten anything on her own since she was hospitalized on January 25th!!! I know this may be premature, but I truly believe this girl is going to thrive. She has so many people concerned about her and praying for her! Doc was laughing when she told me that Jessie threw up on her husband who was nice enough to go with her to the clinic...this was BEFORE she ate. Apparently she injected the antibiotic too quickly in the IV bag and it didn't agree with Jessie (so sorry Steve). Anyway, we don't want to sound like a broken record, but please keep Jessie in your prayers. She is not out-of-the-woods yet, but this is a wonderful step in the right direction!
Prior to leaving for Wisconsin, we received a call from a lady who lives in Lakeshore Trailer Park about a sweet girl (now named Jessie) who had been dumped. She kept looking at every car going by hoping it was her owner coming back... Anyway, I called our friend Becky, who helps feed the strays and lets us know what is going on regarding the strays near her, to see if she would mind if we kept Jessie in her pen in the backyard until we can find rescue for her. Of course, Becky was so wonderful and said yes! Kevin and I stopped by on January 19th to take a few pictures of this cutie (see below).

I was able to visit her when we got back. The pictures below are from January 30th. Jessie definitely was starting to feel a lot worse, but had been on continuous IV fluids for 5 days at that point.

What started out as parvo, turned into even more problems for Jessie. Jessie became pretty lethargic and jaundice starting this past Monday. She had still not eaten and was getting sicker...On February 3rd, Doc told us that Jessie would need a blood transfusion or she would likely not make it. Her blood work came back pretty bad (platelet count extremely low; white blood cell count extremely high; liver enzymes so high they were unreadable; etc.). Jessie was having an "immune response overload" to something...

We took her outside since it was in the 60's today so that she could get some fresh air and a change of scenery. She really seemed to enjoy it. She had to have a new IV put in her rear leg because her IV fell out on a potty break and she no longer had a viable vein in her front legs(poor baby). Anyway, we really enjoy spending time with this sweet girl. We are so grateful to Doc and the staff as well as all the doggy angels out there who have been praying for her and offering support (emotionally and financially) We sincerely appreciate everyone so very much. Doc will re-run her bloodwork tomorrow to see how she is doing. She is hopeful that Jessie will be able to come home on Monday!

Taken before we left- no one likes E-collars. Don't worry sweetie, we will visit you again soon and can't wait to take you home!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012
We apologize for the delay in posting this as well. We wanted to make sure we could get some pictures of the lovely recipient first! Camille stopped by our booth and bought a ticket for our raffle and we really appreciate her support- what a great young lady she is! We were sooooo happy when we picked her name! Camille has 2 very spoiled kitties (see their pics below) which we LOVE to hear! We are sure they enjoyed their Christmas presents! Read the descriptions of these two beauties from Camille's mom, Cheryl. Thanks so much for sending us these pictures!
"This is our Moses... MoMo for short... is about 15 years old and was my cat before I got married. He's part Hymialaian and has long gray hair and the most beautiful blue eyes - when they're open ! Which is not often! He's a very big cat - weighs almost 20 lbs! He's old and cantankerous and sleeps and eats a lot! "

"This is Baby Cat he wandered up to a house we were renting temporarily in October of 2010 when he was really a "baby cat" maybe 4 weeks old and so tiny! we were in the process of moving and we brought him with us to our permanant home in December where's he's stayed ever since! he's an outisde cat but always comes home to eat and spends the night inside! sooo sweet"
What a life! That's what they all deserve!