A terrific picture of Ruddick courtesy of Ann B (thanks Ann!)
It is getting very difficult to keep up these days...whew. Anyway, I have GREAT NEWS!!! Most of you probably already know, but RUDDICK WAS ADOPTED! He was the last of the "Lucky 7", but was still adopted in record time! A HUGE thank you again to Ann at UPAWS (and their staff/volunteers) for working with us to get these babies up North and converting them to Yoopers (lol). Here is a video of Ruddick having fun romping in the snow in Michigan before he was adopted! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGsr8U8ZpKwOso's still smiling!
Oso's heartworm treatment had to be postponed until some time next week. Things were just too crazy this week at work and with our kitchen remodel. Don't worry though...he WILL get it! It would be a miracle if we could find someone to foster him through heartworm treatment so that he could get more 1:1 attention... keep dreaming right. Well just in case someone in the Memphis area reads this, we will provide everything he needs if you would open your heart and home to this big baby! Let Allie know asap if you can help 901-240-9848 or allieot98@yahoo.com Here are some recent pics of this precious boy!Definitely worth helping :)